Photo of dalis jaquez Dominican Republic

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plastic artist and illustrator, Altos de Chavon 2000. painting, drawing, sculpture, printmaking, photography, cartoon, pieles.instalacion crafts, gardens, DALIS RAFAEL RAMIREZ Jaquez. born on October 22, 1974 Its primary studies conducted at the school Juan Sánchez Ramírez and Francisco high school secondary H. and Carvajal. In 1993 he entered the race Degree in advertising, Enlightenment mention the UASD. In 1998 he studies in school than Altos de Chavon Design affiliate Parsson School of...

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11.81 x 15.75 in

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Photo of dalis jaquez Dominican Republic

plastic artist and illustrator, Altos de Chavon 2000. painting, drawing, sculpture, printmaking, photography, cartoon, pieles.instalacion crafts, gardens, DALIS RAFAEL RAMIREZ Jaquez. born on October 22, 1974 Its primary studies conducted at the school Juan Sánchez Ramírez and Francisco high school secondary H. and Carvajal. In 1993 he entered the race Degree in advertising, Enlightenment mention the UASD. In 1998 he studies in school than Altos de Chavon Design affiliate Parsson School of New York. As well Scholarship during his studies at this institution. Here complied one of the highest honors graduating with Cum Laude academic honors. For his great ability was appointed as an assistant drawing classes and composition, figure drawing, photography, in the international summer school 2000 in chavon. This time also worked as a teacher of summer school and assistant dean of fine arts, CHAVON. YOUR EARLY AGE, PLACE VARIOUS TECHNICAL COURSES, SUCH AS, ? Drawing and Painting, Fine Arts Cotuí. ? Drawing and Painting, Fine Arts, San Francisco de Macoris. ? Music theory and acoustic guitar, Fine Arts, San Francisco de Macoris. ? Crafts skins. Leather crafts center, Cotuí. ? Preparatory drawing. Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes. Santo Domingo. ? Cartoon. Art School UASD. ? Engraving and etching. Casa de la Cultura in Santiago de Cuba. ? African culture and religion. Museum of Modern Art. Santo Domingo. ? Pendolo and Labeling. ITECO. ? Professional Photography. UASD. ? sculpture and installations. CHAVON. ? textbook illustration. CHAVON. PRESENTATIONS MADE 1st. Individual. Dreams and Realities. Tomas Romay Museum. Santiago de Cuba. 1995. 2nd. Individual. Well as retrospective. School of Fine Arts Cotuí. 2002. Joint exhibitions. Tribute to Cotuí. Casino Juan Sánchez Ramírez. 1993. Between strokes. Casino Juan Sánchez Ramírez. 1994. Different. Don Quijote Restaurant. La Romana. 1999. 30 anniversaries. Central University Library of Este.2000 Colors of the Tropics. Casino V. Centennial. 2001. EXHIBITIONS More than 70 group exhibitions, among which we mention: 1. Expo-Immaculate Conception parish church. 1991-1992 2. Cotuí Expo. Artisan Square. 1992. 3. Expo-New Year. Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes. 1994 4. Expo-UASD 94. Museo del Hombre Dominicano. 1994 5. Dominican collective. Cuba, Museo Thomas Romay. 1995. 6. Regional Cultural Fair. San Francisco de Macoris. 1995. 7. Inauguration Faculty of Arts, UASD. 1997 8. Exhibition for Environment. Casa de Teatro. Santo Domingo. 1998. 9. Fair rice. Cotuí. 10. Creativity Expo. Listin Diario. 2001. 11. Exhibition Concert (Mélida Garcia) School of Fine Arts Cotuí. 2005. 12. Gallery opening of Zafra. Cotuí. 2005. 13. Stronger than the pain is art. CURNO-UASD. San Francisco de Macoris. 2005. 14. Stronger than the pain is art. Cotuí School of Fine Arts. 2005. 15. Fair Chamber of Commerce, House of Culture in indoor Cotuí. 2005. Murals. 1. 3 murals Founding Fathers, Cotuí duarte park. 2. Romona exterior residence walls Cultural cuncos. 3. Facing Agricultural Agricultural Bank primary school. 4. For the sport and former primary school education high school. 5. Historical and political partner of the Republic Dominican church behind Immaculate. 6. Wilt race. Across the street, walls nun school. 7. Carnival cotuisano. Opposite the bus stop in Santo Domingo. 8. Liceo Francisco H. and Carvajal. For Education. 9. Club Altagracia Javier. 10. Deportivo. ITECO cultural department. 11. The eye of the forest. ITECO. 12. Juan Sanchez Ramirez. ITECO. 13. Mélida García. Cotuí School of Fine Arts. 14. Duarte. Mata School. 15. Duarte. School of Guarana. 16. Duarte. Cevicos hospital. 17. For Identity. Fantino 18. Carnival. Fantino. 19. Homenaje a Juan Sánchez Ramírez. Fortaleza Palo Hincado. Cotuí. 20. Battles in the East. Pedro Santana Fortaleza. San Pedro de Macoris. 21. Mano Brown, in honor of the cane cutters, Fortaleza Pedro Santana. Sam Pedro de Macoris. 22. Dr. Jasin, founder of the East Central University. San Pedro de Macoris. 23. The face of the country. Military Academy Battle of the Races. San Isidro. Santo Domingo. 24. Intelligence. Academy of Armed Forces Intelligence. Santo Domingo. Interior Design. Catedral de San Juan de la Maguana. Responsible for the bust of Juan Francisco Vásquez "Juampa" Museum of Dominican Man. Exterior Design Plaza Tribute to General Rafael Augusto, Villa Mella Artillery. GRAPHIC DESIGN. Cabirma poster's Community Center. Presidential Council for Culture poster. Advertisement Cotuí Cultural Foundation. Advertisement FCC July 4th Movement. Advertisement ITECO University. Logo National Center clinic. Logo School of Fine Arts Cotuí. Carnival Logo Cotuisana Union, UCAC. BOOK COVERS AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 1. The wind of the graves. José Ferrer. 2. The gap twisted. Jose Ferrer 3. Testimony and other words. José Ferrer. 4. World headless. Anibal Polanco. 5. Unhappy and yellow. Rolando Morales. 6. The 3 Musketeers. Avelino Stanley. 7. The Unnamable, 2nd edition. Mélida García. 8. Desvivencia. Mélida García. 9. The last wish. Mélida García. 10. Basic Education of Puerto Rico. 11. Teaching Education, the Cabirma Center. 12. The improved Cotuí villa. 2nd. Edition. Francisco Rincon. 13. Calendar Cotuí Development Bank. 14. Future illustration. CHAVON.2000 high 15. Illustration magazine Express. COMPETITIONS. 2nd & 3SR. Expo-place contest 1mr immaculate 1991. Expo-place contest Honorable Mention 1992 Hlvetas immaculate. Youth Painting Competition. House Theatre 2000. Creativity Honorable Mention 2000. Listin Diario. ? SURVEY plate Cotuí Cultural Foundation, for their artistic contributions Juan Sánchez Ramírez province. ? Merit Helvetas Calendar Cover 2000. for the environment. ? Certificate of participation in the exhibition for the environment in House theater. 1998. ? Recognition of collaboration with the anniversary of the Universidad Central del Este. Recognition by the Secretary of State for Youth, Provincial Sánchez Ramírez plate recognition by the Ministry of Culture, Provincial OCCUPATIONS Sánchez Ramírez. Artistic Director cultic Cotuí Foundation. Director and professor of art at the Military Academy of the Armed Forces. Professor and head of the School of Fine Arts Visual Arts Cotuí.

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